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About e-district

e-Districts are the de facto front-end of government where most Government-to-Consumer or G2C interaction takes place. To improve this experience and enhance the efficiencies of the various Departments at the district-level, e-District project was envisaged to enable providing of integrated and seamless delivery of citizen services by district administration through automation of workflow, backend computerization and data digitization across participating departments. e-district is one of the 44 mission mode projects under National e-Governance Plan (NeGP).

Key objectives of e-district MMP

  • Efficient delivery of services with improved Service Levels
  • Capacity Building of field functionaries
  • Access to efficient, reliable, transparent and accountable Services
  • Reducing service time & costs for the Government and Citizens
  • Enhancing perception & image of the Government

e-district Implementation

e-district implementation was planned in 2 phases. In Phase I pilots have been undertaken covering 1-2 districts of a State and in Phase II the project is being rolled out across the State subsequent to successful implementation of the pilot.

Services rolled out under e-district

e-district is a state mission mode project. Under this project, high volume citizen centric services provided are being improvised with the help of common service centres. Some of the services provided under this project are listed as below.

  1. Certificates: Creation and distribution of certificates for income, domicile, caste, Birth, Death etc.
  2. Licences: Arms Licenses etc.
  3. Public Distribution System (PDS): Issue of Ration Card, etc.
  4. Social Welfare Schemes: Disbursement of old-age pensions, family pensions, widow pensions, etc.
  5. Complaints: Related to unfair prices, absentee teachers, non-availability of doctor, etc.
  6. RTI: Online filing and receipt of information relating to the Right to Information Act
  7. Linking with other e government projects: Registration, Land Records, and Driving Licences, etc.
  8. Information Dissemination: About government schemes, entitlements, etc.
  9. Assessment of taxes: Property tax, and other government taxes.
  10. Utility Payment: Payments relating to electricity, water bills property taxes etc.

National eDistrict Service Tracker

National eDistrict Service Tracker, a mobile App has been developed using Android Platform, which will enable the citizens to interact with the e-District Application by using hand held (mobile and tablet) devices.

The National eDistrict Service Tracker envisages to support retrieval of application status information from e-District Projects of various states and aware citizen of the country about the list of services running in their states.

National eDistrict Service Tracker would allow any citizen of the country to do the following activities:

  • Get a state-wise/category wise listing of services provided (Assam, Andhra Pradesh,Chandigarh, Chhattisgarh, Delhi, Gujarat, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Jharkhand, Kerala, Madhya Pradesh, Manipur, Mizoram, Tamil Nadu, Tripura, Uttarakhand, Uttar Pradesh, West Bengal).
  • Track the status of the application for services submitted by him in his local district office of the state by providing his/her Unique Number (ex:- Registration Number, Application Number).

Requirements:- 1. Min Android Version required:- Android 4.0 (IceCreamSandwich). 2. Internet Connection

Click here to download the mobile app

Source : MeitY

अंतिम बेर संशोधित : 3/1/2020

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